City Harvest Church Awatar kanału YouTube

City Harvest Church Statystyki kanału YouTube

City Harvest Church Awatar kanału YouTube
Rising from obscurity to a faith phenomenon today, City Harvest Church (CHC) was birthed to be a blessing to God and to the lost. The church's 14 worship services, more than 500 cell groups and 5 support fellowships touch a multitude of hearts across varying demographics in Singapore. And its live webcast reaches millions more. A clear mandate for missions translates into teams of full-time and lay missionaries sent out annually. They reached 79 cities in 2017. To date, CHCs School of Theology has equipped close to 7,465 students from over 39 countries with a passion for the Word and a heart for the harvest. And CHC's vision for strong local churches has resulted in 42 branch and affiliate ministries globally. At its essence, the story of this ministry is one of partnershipwhere God's infinite love and destiny, with man's faithful obedience and dedication, have brought about an indelible impact on Christendom and secular culture.
 Otwórz w YouTube  Subskrybuj w YouTube
 Data rejestracji
 dochód od początku
$4.2K - $67K 
$5 - $92 
 ranking subskrybentów
 ranking wyúwietleń
 zmiany w ciągu 1 dnia
 $2 - $40
 zmiany w ciągu 1 tygodnia
 $18 - $288

City Harvest Church Wykres statystyk YouTube

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 dzienna liczba subskrybentów
 ranking subskrybentów
 całkowita liczba wyúwietleń
 dzienna liczba wyúwietleń
 ranking wyúwietleń

City Harvest Church Statystyki dzienne

Poznaj każdego dnia iloúć uzyskanych subskrybentów i wyúwietleń danego kanału

 Data  Subskrybenci    Wyúwietlenia    Dochód
Ostatnie 30 dni
Prognozy roczne
 Data  Subskrybenci    Wyúwietlenia    Dochód
Ostatnie 30 dni
Prognozy roczne

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