shintaro528 - Raine Lee - Slovenski pozdrav - DJTitai - Artem - Javier Adolfo - Sextaneja - Fernando Pretel

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Developed with YouTube API
 Start Over
shintaro528  Music 
Raine Lee  Music 
Slovenski pozdrav  Music 
DJTitai  Music 
Artem  Music 
Javier Adolfo  Music 
Sextaneja  Music 
Fernando Pretel  Music 
shintaro528 Not Specified
Raine Lee Not Specified
Slovenski pozdrav Not Specified
DJTitai France France
Artem Germany Germany
Javier Adolfo Not Specified
Sextaneja Not Specified
Fernando Pretel Not Specified
 Registration Date
shintaro528 30-05-2009 
Raine Lee 28-03-2012 
Slovenski pozdrav 03-02-2013 
DJTitai 14-07-2009 
Artem 18-10-2011 
Javier Adolfo 14-08-2010 
Sextaneja 26-09-2016 
Fernando Pretel 27-07-2009 
shintaro528 126
Raine Lee 93
Slovenski pozdrav 1,069
DJTitai 40
Artem 344
Javier Adolfo 287
Sextaneja 60
Fernando Pretel 5
 all-time income
shintaro528 $9.2K - $148K 
Raine Lee $1.7K - $28K 
Slovenski pozdrav $7.6K - $122K 
DJTitai $1.4K - $23K 
Artem $2.2K - $36K 
Javier Adolfo $4.4K - $71K 
Sextaneja $1.2K - $20K 
Fernando Pretel $6.4K - $103K 
shintaro528 $73 - $1.1K 
Raine Lee $19 - $305 
Slovenski pozdrav $7 - $114 
DJTitai $36 - $582 
Artem $6 - $105 
Javier Adolfo $15 - $248 
Sextaneja $21 - $337 
Fernando Pretel $1.2K - $20K 
shintaro528 25,100
Raine Lee 25,100
Slovenski pozdrav 25,100
DJTitai 25,100
Artem 25,100
Javier Adolfo 25,100
Sextaneja 25,100
Fernando Pretel 25,100
 subscriber rank
shintaro528 #470,252
Raine Lee #470,511
Slovenski pozdrav #470,799
DJTitai #470,068
Artem #470,819
Javier Adolfo #470,213
Sextaneja #470,159
Fernando Pretel #470,328
Raine Lee
Slovenski pozdrav 94 
Artem 27 
Javier Adolfo 20 
Fernando Pretel
shintaro528 37,167,011
Raine Lee 7,106,068
Slovenski pozdrav 30,697,500
DJTitai 5,823,126
Artem 9,075,442
Javier Adolfo 17,863,125
Sextaneja 5,063,769
Fernando Pretel 25,885,958
 view rank
shintaro528 #120,281
Raine Lee #430,329
Slovenski pozdrav #141,291
DJTitai #486,548
Artem #365,692
Javier Adolfo #220,230
Sextaneja #526,940
Fernando Pretel #162,958
shintaro528 294,976 
Raine Lee 76,409 
Slovenski pozdrav 28,716 
DJTitai 145,578 
Artem 26,382 
Javier Adolfo 62,240 
Sextaneja 84,396 
Fernando Pretel 5,177,191 
 1 day change
shintaro528  0
 $1 - $21

Raine Lee  0
 $0 - $5

Slovenski pozdrav  +100
 $5 - $89

DJTitai  0
 $6 - $96

Artem  0
 $0 - $10

Javier Adolfo  0
 $0 - $5

Sextaneja  0
 $0 - $2

Fernando Pretel  0
 $0 - $14

 1 week change
shintaro528  0
 $9 - $150

Raine Lee  0
 $2 - $34

Slovenski pozdrav  +200
 $35 - $566

DJTitai  0
 $12 - $203

Artem  0
 $3 - $61

Javier Adolfo  0
 $2 - $36

Sextaneja  +100
 $1 - $20

Fernando Pretel  0
 $5 - $89

 1 month change
shintaro528 Check Tomorrow

Raine Lee Check Tomorrow

Slovenski pozdrav Check Tomorrow

DJTitai Check Tomorrow

Artem Check Tomorrow

Javier Adolfo Check Tomorrow

Sextaneja Check Tomorrow

Fernando Pretel Check Tomorrow

YouTube Statistics Charts

Visual presentation of daily changes in channel's major stats including subscriber and view counts

 total subscribers
 daily subscribers
 subscriber rank
 total views
 daily views
 view rank