Léo Freitas - UBGE - Blackcaesar9 - Dadcraft73 - RukaFM - Fallere - Auzcast - jon rushdie - LostInPlays

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 Start Over
Léo Freitas - UBGE  Gaming 
Blackcaesar9  Gaming 
Dadcraft73  Gaming 
RukaFM  Gaming 
Fallere  Gaming 
Auzcast  Gaming 
jon rushdie  Gaming 
LostInPlays  Gaming 
Léo Freitas - UBGE Brazil Brazil
Blackcaesar9 Not Specified
Dadcraft73 United States United States
RukaFM Spain Spain
Fallere Not Specified
Auzcast Australia Australia
jon rushdie Indonesia Indonesia
LostInPlays Not Specified
 Registration Date
Léo Freitas - UBGE 13-05-2011 
Blackcaesar9 10-01-2008 
Dadcraft73 23-12-2014 
RukaFM 06-05-2009 
Fallere 21-01-2017 
Auzcast 24-11-2012 
jon rushdie 04-08-2010 
LostInPlays 23-03-2015 
Léo Freitas - UBGE 430
Blackcaesar9 72
Dadcraft73 1,941
RukaFM 517
Fallere 1
Auzcast 102
jon rushdie 98
LostInPlays 79
 all-time income
Léo Freitas - UBGE $277 - $4.4K 
Blackcaesar9 $1.6K - $27K 
Dadcraft73 $493 - $7.8K 
RukaFM $63 - $1K 
Fallere $1 - $17 
Auzcast $598 - $9.5K 
jon rushdie $668 - $10K 
LostInPlays $86 - $1.3K 
Léo Freitas - UBGE $0 - $10 
Blackcaesar9 $23 - $375 
Dadcraft73 $0 - $4 
RukaFM $0 - $1 
Fallere $1 - $17 
Auzcast $5 - $93 
jon rushdie $6 - $109 
LostInPlays $1 - $17 
Léo Freitas - UBGE 8,900
Blackcaesar9 8,890
Dadcraft73 8,900
RukaFM 8,890
Fallere 8,890
Auzcast 8,900
jon rushdie 8,896
LostInPlays 8,900
 subscriber rank
Léo Freitas - UBGE #870,406
Blackcaesar9 #871,098
Dadcraft73 #870,482
RukaFM #871,141
Fallere #870,714
Auzcast #870,232
jon rushdie #870,683
LostInPlays #870,567
Léo Freitas - UBGE 32 
Dadcraft73 205 
RukaFM 34 
jon rushdie
Léo Freitas - UBGE 1,108,631
Blackcaesar9 6,753,943
Dadcraft73 1,972,155
RukaFM 255,058
Fallere 4,381
Auzcast 2,394,471
jon rushdie 2,674,374
LostInPlays 347,065
 view rank
Léo Freitas - UBGE #934,547
Blackcaesar9 #444,326
Dadcraft73 #797,579
RukaFM #1,161,157
Fallere #1,445,035
Auzcast #744,763
jon rushdie #713,652
LostInPlays #1,124,916
Léo Freitas - UBGE 2,578 
Blackcaesar9 93,804 
Dadcraft73 1,016 
RukaFM 493 
Fallere 4,381 
Auzcast 23,475 
jon rushdie 27,289 
LostInPlays 4,393 
 1 day change
Léo Freitas - UBGE  0
 $0 - $1

Blackcaesar9 Check Tomorrow

Dadcraft73  0
 $0 - $3

RukaFM  0
 $0 - $0

Fallere Check Tomorrow

Auzcast  0
 $0 - $3

jon rushdie  0
 $0 - $3

LostInPlays  -10
 $0 - $0

 1 week change
Léo Freitas - UBGE Check Tomorrow

Blackcaesar9 Check Tomorrow

Dadcraft73 Check Tomorrow

RukaFM Check Tomorrow

Fallere Check Tomorrow

Auzcast Check Tomorrow

jon rushdie Check Tomorrow

LostInPlays Check Tomorrow

 1 month change
Léo Freitas - UBGE Check Tomorrow

Blackcaesar9 Check Tomorrow

Dadcraft73 Check Tomorrow

RukaFM Check Tomorrow

Fallere Check Tomorrow

Auzcast Check Tomorrow

jon rushdie Check Tomorrow

LostInPlays Check Tomorrow

YouTube Statistics Charts

Visual presentation of daily changes in channel's major stats including subscriber and view counts

 total subscribers
 daily subscribers
 subscriber rank
 total views
 daily views
 view rank