ourfishies - mike aspinall - ChrifferProductions - Roger Durre - Vicky Halls - Darren McCabe - Tessleymoor Gundogs - kanako shibayama

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 Start Over
ourfishies Not Specified
mike aspinall Not Specified
ChrifferProductions Not Specified
Roger Durre Not Specified
Vicky Halls Not Specified
Darren McCabe United Kingdom United Kingdom
Tessleymoor Gundogs Not Specified
kanako shibayama Not Specified
 Registration Date
ourfishies 04-01-2007 
mike aspinall 06-01-2008 
ChrifferProductions 16-03-2011 
Roger Durre 27-10-2007 
Vicky Halls 20-02-2010 
Darren McCabe 05-12-2007 
Tessleymoor Gundogs 27-11-2010 
kanako shibayama 02-09-2009 
ourfishies 15
mike aspinall 45
ChrifferProductions 35
Roger Durre 1
Vicky Halls 15
Darren McCabe 15
Tessleymoor Gundogs 137
kanako shibayama 7
 all-time income
ourfishies $60 - $973 
mike aspinall $19 - $316 
ChrifferProductions $22 - $355 
Roger Durre $108 - $1.7K 
Vicky Halls $50 - $810 
Darren McCabe $20 - $327 
Tessleymoor Gundogs $42 - $684 
kanako shibayama $1 - $21 
ourfishies $4 - $64 
mike aspinall $0 - $7 
ChrifferProductions $0 - $10 
Roger Durre $108 - $1.7K 
Vicky Halls $3 - $54 
Darren McCabe $1 - $21 
Tessleymoor Gundogs $0 - $4 
kanako shibayama $0 - $3 
ourfishies 35
mike aspinall 81
ChrifferProductions 22
Roger Durre 445
Vicky Halls 1,450
Darren McCabe 46
Tessleymoor Gundogs 400
kanako shibayama 3
 subscriber rank
ourfishies #1,435,793
mike aspinall #1,385,809
ChrifferProductions #1,458,323
Roger Durre #1,265,232
Vicky Halls #1,174,740
Darren McCabe #1,420,129
Tessleymoor Gundogs #1,273,345
kanako shibayama #1,513,742
mike aspinall
Roger Durre
Vicky Halls
Darren McCabe
Tessleymoor Gundogs 10 
kanako shibayama
ourfishies 243,413
mike aspinall 79,029
ChrifferProductions 88,885
Roger Durre 434,394
Vicky Halls 202,554
Darren McCabe 81,969
Tessleymoor Gundogs 171,114
kanako shibayama 5,497
 view rank
ourfishies #1,166,383
mike aspinall #1,272,595
ChrifferProductions #1,262,801
Roger Durre #1,095,446
Vicky Halls #1,186,117
Darren McCabe #1,269,588
Tessleymoor Gundogs #1,203,248
kanako shibayama #1,435,913
ourfishies 16,227 
mike aspinall 1,756 
ChrifferProductions 2,539 
Roger Durre 434,394 
Vicky Halls 13,503 
Darren McCabe 5,464 
Tessleymoor Gundogs 1,249 
kanako shibayama 785 
 1 day change
ourfishies  0
 $0 - $0

mike aspinall  0
 $0 - $0

ChrifferProductions  0
 $0 - $0

Roger Durre  0
 $0 - $0

Vicky Halls  0
 $0 - $0

Darren McCabe  0
 $0 - $0

Tessleymoor Gundogs Check Tomorrow

kanako shibayama Check Tomorrow

 1 week change
ourfishies Check Tomorrow

mike aspinall Check Tomorrow

ChrifferProductions Check Tomorrow

Roger Durre Check Tomorrow

Vicky Halls Check Tomorrow

Darren McCabe Check Tomorrow

Tessleymoor Gundogs Check Tomorrow

kanako shibayama Check Tomorrow

 1 month change
ourfishies Check Tomorrow

mike aspinall Check Tomorrow

ChrifferProductions Check Tomorrow

Roger Durre Check Tomorrow

Vicky Halls Check Tomorrow

Darren McCabe Check Tomorrow

Tessleymoor Gundogs Check Tomorrow

kanako shibayama Check Tomorrow

YouTube Statistics Charts

Visual presentation of daily changes in channel's major stats including subscriber and view counts

 total subscribers
 daily subscribers
 subscriber rank
 total views
 daily views
 view rank