ชอบ Share - Andrea Mognon - ZAHRA YER - Malik Shabazz - jungkook is whipped - 제 이 흡Shipper BTS - KOOKMIN TV - v-service

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ชอบ Share Not Specified
Andrea Mognon Brazil Brazil
ZAHRA YER Not Specified
Malik Shabazz Not Specified
jungkook is whipped Not Specified
제 이 흡Shipper BTS Not Specified
KOOKMIN TV Not Specified
v-service Ukraine Ukraine
 Registration Date
ชอบ Share 27-11-2016 
Andrea Mognon 07-05-2013 
ZAHRA YER 14-08-2015 
Malik Shabazz 02-03-2009 
jungkook is whipped 16-09-2017 
ì œ 이 흡Shipper BTS 05-09-2017 
KOOKMIN TV 31-10-2017 
v-service 22-04-2015 
ชอบ Share 870
Andrea Mognon 84
Malik Shabazz 145
jungkook is whipped 11
제 이 흡Shipper BTS 77
v-service 72
 all-time income
ชอบ Share $9 - $146 
Andrea Mognon $284 - $4.5K 
ZAHRA YER $390 - $6.2K 
Malik Shabazz $928 - $14K 
jungkook is whipped $905 - $14K 
ì œ 이 흡Shipper BTS $344 - $5.5K 
KOOKMIN TV $437 - $7K 
v-service $1.4K - $22K 
ชอบ Share $0 
Andrea Mognon $3 - $54 
ZAHRA YER $3 - $60 
Malik Shabazz $6 - $102 
jungkook is whipped $82 - $1.3K 
ì œ 이 흡Shipper BTS $4 - $71 
KOOKMIN TV $12 - $200 
v-service $19 - $314 
ชอบ Share 25,800
Andrea Mognon 25,900
ZAHRA YER 13,200
Malik Shabazz 11,600
jungkook is whipped 25,800
제 이 흡Shipper BTS 13,700
v-service 12,500
 subscriber rank
ชอบ Share #461,546
Andrea Mognon #460,210
ZAHRA YER #702,967
Malik Shabazz #755,783
jungkook is whipped #461,534
제 이 흡Shipper BTS #687,718
KOOKMIN TV #617,932
v-service #723,588
ชอบ Share 115 
Andrea Mognon
Malik Shabazz
jungkook is whipped
ì œ 이 흡Shipper BTS 11 
ชอบ Share 36,658
Andrea Mognon 1,138,972
ZAHRA YER 1,560,545
Malik Shabazz 3,714,064
jungkook is whipped 3,623,174
제 이 흡Shipper BTS 1,376,967
KOOKMIN TV 1,750,198
v-service 5,667,993
 view rank
ชอบ Share #1,331,205
Andrea Mognon #928,809
ZAHRA YER #856,781
Malik Shabazz #618,067
jungkook is whipped #625,370
제 이 흡Shipper BTS #886,418
KOOKMIN TV #828,257
v-service #494,167
ชอบ Share 42 
Andrea Mognon 13,559 
ZAHRA YER 15,150 
Malik Shabazz 25,614 
jungkook is whipped 329,379 
ì œ 이 흡Shipper BTS 17,882 
KOOKMIN TV 50,005 
v-service 78,722 
 1 day change
ชอบ Share  0
 $0 - $0

Andrea Mognon  0
 $0 - $2

 $0 - $0

Malik Shabazz  0
 $0 - $0

jungkook is whipped  0
 $0 - $2

제 이 흡Shipper BTS Check Tomorrow

KOOKMIN TV Check Tomorrow

v-service  0
 $0 - $6

 1 week change
ชอบ Share  0
 $0 - $0

Andrea Mognon  +100
 $1 - $19

ZAHRA YER Check Tomorrow

Malik Shabazz Check Tomorrow

jungkook is whipped  0
 $0 - $14

제 이 흡Shipper BTS Check Tomorrow

 $0 - $1

v-service Check Tomorrow

 1 month change
ชอบ Share Check Tomorrow

Andrea Mognon Check Tomorrow

ZAHRA YER Check Tomorrow

Malik Shabazz Check Tomorrow

jungkook is whipped Check Tomorrow

제 이 흡Shipper BTS Check Tomorrow

KOOKMIN TV Check Tomorrow

v-service Check Tomorrow

YouTube Statistics Charts

Visual presentation of daily changes in channel's major stats including subscriber and view counts

 total subscribers
 daily subscribers
 subscriber rank
 total views
 daily views
 view rank