Henri Junttila - Maxwell Sanchez - MDS-TV - DrTedBroer - Natsuki Saruhiko - DOT - Murat Keyder - MSK Chess

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 Start Over
Henri Junttila Not Specified
Maxwell Sanchez Not Specified
MDS-TV Switzerland Switzerland
DrTedBroer Not Specified
Natsuki Saruhiko Not Specified
DOT India India
Murat Keyder Not Specified
MSK Chess United Kingdom United Kingdom
 Registration Date
Henri Junttila 14-08-2010 
Maxwell Sanchez 17-01-2009 
MDS-TV 15-05-2012 
DrTedBroer 18-06-2009 
Natsuki Saruhiko 17-11-2013 
DOT 27-08-2012 
Murat Keyder 08-02-2010 
MSK Chess 22-02-2013 
Henri Junttila 144
Maxwell Sanchez 62
DrTedBroer 68
Natsuki Saruhiko 5
DOT 38
Murat Keyder 44
MSK Chess 126
 all-time income
Henri Junttila $168 - $2.6K 
Maxwell Sanchez $278 - $4.4K 
MDS-TV $379 - $6K 
DrTedBroer $486 - $7.7K 
Natsuki Saruhiko $744 - $11K 
DOT $6 - $103 
Murat Keyder $236 - $3.7K 
MSK Chess $257 - $4.1K 
Henri Junttila $1 - $18 
Maxwell Sanchez $4 - $71 
MDS-TV $4 - $71 
DrTedBroer $7 - $114 
Natsuki Saruhiko $148 - $2.3K 
DOT $0 - $2 
Murat Keyder $5 - $86 
MSK Chess $2 - $32 
Henri Junttila 7,230
Maxwell Sanchez 7,220
MDS-TV 7,220
DrTedBroer 7,220
Natsuki Saruhiko 7,220
DOT 7,220
Murat Keyder 7,220
MSK Chess 7,220
 subscriber rank
Henri Junttila #957,352
Maxwell Sanchez #957,542
MDS-TV #957,725
DrTedBroer #957,754
Natsuki Saruhiko #957,815
DOT #957,971
Murat Keyder #958,048
MSK Chess #957,644
Henri Junttila 10 
Maxwell Sanchez
Natsuki Saruhiko
Murat Keyder
MSK Chess 11 
Henri Junttila 674,994
Maxwell Sanchez 1,113,505
MDS-TV 1,518,349
DrTedBroer 1,945,452
Natsuki Saruhiko 2,976,252
DOT 25,996
Murat Keyder 947,430
MSK Chess 1,031,154
 view rank
Henri Junttila #1,028,666
Maxwell Sanchez #933,677
MDS-TV #863,440
DrTedBroer #801,214
Natsuki Saruhiko #683,024
DOT #1,354,172
Murat Keyder #966,478
MSK Chess #949,632
Henri Junttila 4,687 
Maxwell Sanchez 17,959 
MDS-TV 17,862 
DrTedBroer 28,609 
Natsuki Saruhiko 595,250 
DOT 684 
Murat Keyder 21,532 
MSK Chess 8,183 
 1 day change
Henri Junttila  0
 $0 - $1

Maxwell Sanchez  -10
 $0 - $0

 $0 - $0

DrTedBroer  0
 $0 - $0

Natsuki Saruhiko Check Tomorrow

DOT Check Tomorrow

Murat Keyder Check Tomorrow

MSK Chess  0
 $0 - $0

 1 week change
Henri Junttila Check Tomorrow

Maxwell Sanchez Check Tomorrow

MDS-TV Check Tomorrow

DrTedBroer Check Tomorrow

Natsuki Saruhiko Check Tomorrow

DOT Check Tomorrow

Murat Keyder Check Tomorrow

MSK Chess Check Tomorrow

 1 month change
Henri Junttila Check Tomorrow

Maxwell Sanchez Check Tomorrow

MDS-TV Check Tomorrow

DrTedBroer Check Tomorrow

Natsuki Saruhiko Check Tomorrow

DOT Check Tomorrow

Murat Keyder Check Tomorrow

MSK Chess Check Tomorrow

YouTube Statistics Charts

Visual presentation of daily changes in channel's major stats including subscriber and view counts

 total subscribers
 daily subscribers
 subscriber rank
 total views
 daily views
 view rank