Knorkator - VelGeek Cn - HAGGARD Official - AB&BA true - ruffiction - Profiler Suzanne - Pflege Kanal - Gesundheits Universum

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 Start Over
 Registration Date
Knorkator 04-12-2007 
VelGeek Cn 18-06-2013 
HAGGARD Official 07-12-2008 
AB&BA true 04-04-2014 
ruffiction 18-06-2007 
Profiler Suzanne 28-10-2012 
Pflege Kanal 14-09-2015 
Gesundheits Universum 07-09-2016 
Knorkator 103
VelGeek Cn 347
HAGGARD Official 70
AB&BA true 329
ruffiction 136
Profiler Suzanne 236
Pflege Kanal 466
Gesundheits Universum 176
 all-time income
Knorkator $10K - $162K 
VelGeek Cn $1K - $16K 
HAGGARD Official $3.8K - $62K 
AB&BA true $2.5K - $41K 
ruffiction $4.1K - $65K 
Profiler Suzanne $1.2K - $19K 
Pflege Kanal $1.6K - $26K 
Gesundheits Universum $2.8K - $45K 
Knorkator $98 - $1.5K 
VelGeek Cn $2 - $46 
HAGGARD Official $55 - $888 
AB&BA true $7 - $125 
ruffiction $30 - $483 
Profiler Suzanne $5 - $81 
Pflege Kanal $3 - $57 
Gesundheits Universum $16 - $259 
Knorkator 53,500
VelGeek Cn 53,500
HAGGARD Official 53,600
AB&BA true 53,600
ruffiction 53,600
Profiler Suzanne 53,600
Pflege Kanal 53,600
Gesundheits Universum 53,500
 subscriber rank
Knorkator #281,377
VelGeek Cn #281,438
HAGGARD Official #281,182
AB&BA true #281,341
ruffiction #281,038
Profiler Suzanne #281,031
Pflege Kanal #281,302
Gesundheits Universum #281,486
VelGeek Cn 31 
HAGGARD Official
AB&BA true 32 
Profiler Suzanne 20 
Pflege Kanal 53 
Gesundheits Universum 22 
Knorkator 40,585,190
VelGeek Cn 4,071,692
HAGGARD Official 15,547,179
AB&BA true 10,327,528
ruffiction 16,438,938
Profiler Suzanne 4,827,992
Pflege Kanal 6,726,224
Gesundheits Universum 11,406,173
 view rank
Knorkator #111,658
VelGeek Cn #590,802
HAGGARD Official #245,651
AB&BA true #334,093
ruffiction #235,290
Profiler Suzanne #540,737
Pflege Kanal #445,475
Gesundheits Universum #310,984
Knorkator 394,030 
VelGeek Cn 11,733 
HAGGARD Official 222,102 
AB&BA true 31,390 
ruffiction 120,874 
Profiler Suzanne 20,457 
Pflege Kanal 14,433 
Gesundheits Universum 64,807 
 1 day change
Knorkator Check Tomorrow

VelGeek Cn Check Tomorrow

HAGGARD Official Check Tomorrow

AB&BA true  0
 $2 - $45

ruffiction  0
 $2 - $46

Profiler Suzanne  0
 $0 - $4

Pflege Kanal  +100
 $2 - $34

Gesundheits Universum  0
 $0 - $4

 1 week change
Knorkator  +100
 $8 - $130

VelGeek Cn  -100
 $0 - $2

HAGGARD Official  +100
 $6 - $103

AB&BA true  +300
 $21 - $336

ruffiction  +100
 $19 - $312

Profiler Suzanne  0
 $1 - $25

Pflege Kanal  +400
 $12 - $206

Gesundheits Universum  0
 $1 - $27

 1 month change
Knorkator Check Tomorrow

VelGeek Cn Check Tomorrow

HAGGARD Official Check Tomorrow

AB&BA true Check Tomorrow

ruffiction Check Tomorrow

Profiler Suzanne Check Tomorrow

Pflege Kanal Check Tomorrow

Gesundheits Universum Check Tomorrow

YouTube Statistics Charts

Visual presentation of daily changes in channel's major stats including subscriber and view counts

 total subscribers
 daily subscribers
 subscriber rank
 total views
 daily views
 view rank