shimon1973 - CristoViviente - Smadar Ronen - adizamir77 - MC Donaudis - nan shaolin - אביעד יוסף - amy grotyohann

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Developed with YouTube API
 Start Over
shimon1973  Music 
CristoViviente  Music 
Smadar Ronen  Music 
adizamir77  Music 
MC Donaudis  Music 
nan shaolin  Music 
אביעד יוסף  Music 
amy grotyohann  Music 
shimon1973 Not Specified
CristoViviente Not Specified
Smadar Ronen Not Specified
adizamir77 Not Specified
MC Donaudis Brazil Brazil
nan shaolin Not Specified
אביעד יוסף Not Specified
amy grotyohann Not Specified
 Registration Date
shimon1973 27-03-2008 
CristoViviente 02-10-2008 
Smadar Ronen 20-07-2011 
adizamir77 14-06-2010 
MC Donaudis 07-06-2018 
nan shaolin 06-02-2011 
אביעד יוסף 19-02-2011 
amy grotyohann 22-08-2009 
shimon1973 59
CristoViviente 4
Smadar Ronen 54
adizamir77 36
MC Donaudis 5
nan shaolin 61
אביעד יוסף 15
amy grotyohann 33
 all-time income
shimon1973 $176 - $2.8K 
CristoViviente $567 - $9K 
Smadar Ronen $11 - $179 
adizamir77 $118 - $1.9K 
MC Donaudis $3 - $57 
nan shaolin $253 - $4K 
אביעד יוסף $91 - $1.4K 
amy grotyohann $7 - $113 
shimon1973 $2 - $47 
CristoViviente $141 - $2.2K 
Smadar Ronen $0 - $3 
adizamir77 $3 - $52 
MC Donaudis $0 - $11 
nan shaolin $4 - $66 
אביעד יוסף $6 - $97 
amy grotyohann $0 - $3 
shimon1973 275
CristoViviente 4,930
Smadar Ronen 150
adizamir77 352
MC Donaudis 626
nan shaolin 1,190
אביעד יוסף 0
amy grotyohann 13
 subscriber rank
shimon1973 #1,301,077
CristoViviente #1,081,546
Smadar Ronen #1,345,042
adizamir77 #1,282,773
MC Donaudis #1,239,620
nan shaolin #1,189,990
אביעד יוסף #1,531,777
amy grotyohann #1,479,988
Smadar Ronen
MC Donaudis
nan shaolin
אביעד יוסף
amy grotyohann
shimon1973 707,491
CristoViviente 2,270,554
Smadar Ronen 44,979
adizamir77 475,574
MC Donaudis 14,260
nan shaolin 1,013,880
אביעד יוסף 367,306
amy grotyohann 28,293
 view rank
shimon1973 #1,020,665
CristoViviente #759,462
Smadar Ronen #1,316,699
adizamir77 #1,082,750
MC Donaudis #1,390,091
nan shaolin #953,023
אביעד יוסף #1,117,793
amy grotyohann #1,348,792
shimon1973 11,991 
CristoViviente 567,638 
Smadar Ronen 832 
adizamir77 13,210 
MC Donaudis 2,852 
nan shaolin 16,620 
אביעד יוסף 24,487 
amy grotyohann 857 
 1 day change
shimon1973  0
 $0 - $0

CristoViviente Check Tomorrow

Smadar Ronen  0
 $0 - $0

adizamir77  0
 $0 - $0

MC Donaudis  +1
 $0 - $0

nan shaolin  0
 $0 - $0

אביעד יוסף  0
 $0 - $0

amy grotyohann Check Tomorrow

 1 week change
shimon1973 Check Tomorrow

CristoViviente Check Tomorrow

Smadar Ronen Check Tomorrow

adizamir77 Check Tomorrow

MC Donaudis Check Tomorrow

nan shaolin Check Tomorrow

אביעד יוסף Check Tomorrow

amy grotyohann Check Tomorrow

 1 month change
shimon1973 Check Tomorrow

CristoViviente Check Tomorrow

Smadar Ronen Check Tomorrow

adizamir77 Check Tomorrow

MC Donaudis Check Tomorrow

nan shaolin Check Tomorrow

אביעד יוסף Check Tomorrow

amy grotyohann Check Tomorrow

YouTube Statistics Charts

Visual presentation of daily changes in channel's major stats including subscriber and view counts

 total subscribers
 daily subscribers
 subscriber rank
 total views
 daily views
 view rank