Paul Sellers - Stefan Guy - Dj's Aviation - WBGamesUK - Graham Phillips - Fab Games - Royal Opera House - Jojikiba

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 Start Over
 Registration Date
Paul Sellers 19-11-2011 
Stefan Guy 22-11-2011 
Dj's Aviation 19-07-2015 
WBGamesUK 12-07-2012 
Graham Phillips 22-12-2009 
Fab Games 14-07-2015 
Royal Opera House 04-06-2007 
Jojikiba 16-04-2007 
Paul Sellers 311
Stefan Guy 131
Dj's Aviation 1,590
WBGamesUK 466
Graham Phillips 1,832
Fab Games 118
Royal Opera House 1,506
Jojikiba 20
 all-time income
Paul Sellers $13K - $223K 
Stefan Guy $2K - $32K 
Dj's Aviation $19K - $318K 
WBGamesUK $20K - $322K 
Graham Phillips $20K - $334K 
Fab Games $2.5K - $41K 
Royal Opera House $64K - $1M 
Jojikiba $87 - $1.4K 
Paul Sellers $44 - $719 
Stefan Guy $15 - $250 
Dj's Aviation $12 - $200 
WBGamesUK $43 - $692 
Graham Phillips $11 - $182 
Fab Games $21 - $347 
Royal Opera House $42 - $684 
Jojikiba $4 - $70 
Paul Sellers 470,000
Stefan Guy 112,000
Dj's Aviation 297,000
WBGamesUK 106,000
Graham Phillips 156,000
Fab Games 66,300
Royal Opera House 913,000
Jojikiba 74,300
 subscriber rank
Paul Sellers #47,258
Stefan Guy #165,005
Dj's Aviation #72,843
WBGamesUK #172,031
Graham Phillips #126,725
Fab Games #241,773
Royal Opera House #23,647
Jojikiba #222,805
Paul Sellers 24 
Stefan Guy 10 
Dj's Aviation 178 
WBGamesUK 39 
Graham Phillips 126 
Fab Games 13 
Royal Opera House 88 
Paul Sellers 55,902,558
Stefan Guy 8,202,953
Dj's Aviation 79,557,647
WBGamesUK 80,621,811
Graham Phillips 83,573,240
Fab Games 10,262,815
Royal Opera House 257,603,756
Jojikiba 351,392
 view rank
Paul Sellers #84,741
Stefan Guy #391,557
Dj's Aviation #61,784
WBGamesUK #61,033
Graham Phillips #59,103
Fab Games #335,611
Royal Opera House #20,193
Jojikiba #1,123,404
Paul Sellers 179,750 
Stefan Guy 62,617 
Dj's Aviation 50,036 
WBGamesUK 173,008 
Graham Phillips 45,618 
Fab Games 86,973 
Royal Opera House 171,051 
Jojikiba 17,569 
 1 day change
Paul Sellers  0
 $7 - $121

Stefan Guy  0
 $1 - $25

Dj's Aviation  0
 $10 - $164

WBGamesUK  0
 $1 - $30

Graham Phillips  0
 $4 - $71

Fab Games  0
 $0 - $0

Royal Opera House  0
 $61 - $984

Jojikiba  -100
 $0 - $3

 1 week change
Paul Sellers  +2,000
 $57 - $922

Stefan Guy  0
 $10 - $161

Dj's Aviation  0
 $61 - $985

WBGamesUK  0
 $9 - $152

Graham Phillips  0
 $38 - $622

Fab Games  0
 $0 - $0

Royal Opera House  +4,000
 $380 - $6K

Jojikiba  -100
 $1 - $21

 1 month change
Paul Sellers Check Tomorrow

Stefan Guy Check Tomorrow

Dj's Aviation Check Tomorrow

WBGamesUK Check Tomorrow

Graham Phillips Check Tomorrow

Fab Games Check Tomorrow

Royal Opera House Check Tomorrow

Jojikiba Check Tomorrow

YouTube Statistics Charts

Visual presentation of daily changes in channel's major stats including subscriber and view counts

 total subscribers
 daily subscribers
 subscriber rank
 total views
 daily views
 view rank