BarhiWSS - cbooher3 - cubway13 - Betty Yiu - Nyx Kits - Holly The Groodle - Samoyed Dogs - alexi nadal

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 Start Over
BarhiWSS Not Specified
cbooher3 Not Specified
cubway13 Not Specified
Betty Yiu Not Specified
Nyx Kits Not Specified
Holly The Groodle Not Specified
Samoyed Dogs Not Specified
alexi nadal Not Specified
 Registration Date
BarhiWSS 10-02-2007 
cbooher3 06-04-2007 
cubway13 06-05-2011 
Betty Yiu 25-07-2006 
Nyx Kits 19-07-2017 
Holly The Groodle 03-02-2014 
Samoyed Dogs 01-09-2017 
alexi nadal 07-05-2012 
BarhiWSS 31
cbooher3 95
cubway13 3
Betty Yiu 59
Nyx Kits 1
Holly The Groodle 1
Samoyed Dogs 2
alexi nadal 6
 all-time income
BarhiWSS $7 - $121 
cbooher3 $39 - $627 
cubway13 $0 - $7 
Betty Yiu $4 - $75 
Nyx Kits $0 - $0 
Holly The Groodle $0 - $9 
Samoyed Dogs $0 - $2 
alexi nadal $0 - $14 
BarhiWSS $0 - $3 
cbooher3 $0 - $6 
cubway13 $0 - $2 
Betty Yiu $0 - $1 
Nyx Kits $0 
Holly The Groodle $0 - $9 
Samoyed Dogs $0 - $1 
alexi nadal $0 - $2 
BarhiWSS 72
cbooher3 100
cubway13 1
Betty Yiu 57
Nyx Kits 0
Holly The Groodle 5
Samoyed Dogs 6
alexi nadal 9
 subscriber rank
BarhiWSS #1,393,332
cbooher3 #1,373,013
cubway13 #1,528,934
Betty Yiu #1,407,712
Nyx Kits #1,529,991
Holly The Groodle #1,507,153
Samoyed Dogs #1,501,406
alexi nadal #1,491,075
Betty Yiu
Nyx Kits
Holly The Groodle
Samoyed Dogs
alexi nadal
BarhiWSS 30,322
cbooher3 156,823
cubway13 1,973
Betty Yiu 18,896
Nyx Kits 177
Holly The Groodle 2,495
Samoyed Dogs 710
alexi nadal 3,527
 view rank
BarhiWSS #1,344,122
cbooher3 #1,211,801
cubway13 #1,472,826
Betty Yiu #1,373,885
Nyx Kits #1,522,820
Holly The Groodle #1,465,483
Samoyed Dogs #1,499,017
alexi nadal #1,453,396
BarhiWSS 978 
cbooher3 1,650 
cubway13 657 
Betty Yiu 320 
Nyx Kits 177 
Holly The Groodle 2,495 
Samoyed Dogs 355 
alexi nadal 587 
 1 day change
BarhiWSS Check Tomorrow

cbooher3 Check Tomorrow

cubway13 Check Tomorrow

Betty Yiu Check Tomorrow

Nyx Kits Check Tomorrow

Holly The Groodle Check Tomorrow

Samoyed Dogs Check Tomorrow

alexi nadal Check Tomorrow

 1 week change
BarhiWSS Check Tomorrow

cbooher3 Check Tomorrow

cubway13 Check Tomorrow

Betty Yiu Check Tomorrow

Nyx Kits Check Tomorrow

Holly The Groodle Check Tomorrow

Samoyed Dogs Check Tomorrow

alexi nadal Check Tomorrow

 1 month change
BarhiWSS Check Tomorrow

cbooher3 Check Tomorrow

cubway13 Check Tomorrow

Betty Yiu Check Tomorrow

Nyx Kits Check Tomorrow

Holly The Groodle Check Tomorrow

Samoyed Dogs Check Tomorrow

alexi nadal Check Tomorrow

YouTube Statistics Charts

Visual presentation of daily changes in channel's major stats including subscriber and view counts

 total subscribers
 daily subscribers
 subscriber rank
 total views
 daily views
 view rank